I am drawn to heartfelt projects, to portraying moments that allow me to weave stories.
¡Hola! I’m Ren
Long before I knew the direction my photographic work would take, I was confident that sensibility was the element that gave focus to my lens. I have always found an emotional attachment to life, but I could never have imagined that its inception would forever transform the course of mine.
I am the oldest of three, born and raised in Mexico. However, my life project began in the US, where I studied psychology and met Billy, my husband. Photography and my fondness for family and human ties have always been essential to my identity. Nonetheless, it wasn’t until I finished my degree that I decided that this would be what I would devote all my efforts to. Today, I am the mother of two precious babies. Perhaps that’s why I’m so overtaken with emotions when I get to witness and support other women at the very beginning of their mothering journey.
I am driven by the charm of things as they are, by the beauty of the most authentic version of people. I want to be devoted to what life puts in front of my eyes, to be its most respectful observer, and, thus, to portray moments that can resist oblivion.
There is something quite magical about the spontaneity of photographic work: you cannot foresee the results.
The best in life tends to be unexpected and imperfect; therefore, it is possible to believe that that’s exactly where the beauty lies. My work is free from filters, posing, lights, and sets. I want the intricate details, the depth of feelings, and each moment’s intensity to shine through the catharsis. I want to tell real stories of real people. I long for photographs that are beautiful because they are sincere.